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ComingUnbound Page 7
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Page 7
I felt his lips curve against the back of my neck and pictured him smiling. The image confused me. He had been jealous earlier, but he didn’t sound jealous now. Instead, he sounded…eager. Aroused. Maybe even a little hopeful.
I shook my head, struggling to come to terms with this new perception of my husband. I’d just assumed he was as vanilla as I was. In all the time we’d been together, he’d never asked to fuck my ass or tie me up or buy me toys.
And now he was suggesting a threesome like it was the most natural progression of this evening’s events. Which, even I had to admit, it was.
Erik’s tongue slid up the inside of my thigh. He had been alternating licking my slit and exploring the area around it—the dip where thigh met groin, my mound, the curve of my belly.
“Okay,” I whispered, unable to tear my gaze away from Erik’s head between my legs.
Erik grinned up at me and stood. “Good girl.”
The sight of him reaching for the zipper of his leather pants made my stomach flip-flop. He unfastened the top button and pushed the pants down, revealing his cock. I gasped as the thick length popped out, hard and eager. It was much larger than I’d expected, the swollen tip nearly reaching his bellybutton as it stood straight up in its erect state.
Cole shifted and moved away. When he returned a moment later, his naked cock pressed against my bare buttocks.
I swallowed hard. Dear God, what had I just agreed to?
As he shucked his pants, Erik reached into a pocket and pulled out a small foil packet. He unwrapped it without a word and used the condom to sheathe his cock, then closed the distance between us.
He clasped my hips in his large palms and stroked my mound with his cock. Cole positioned his hands above Erik’s and pressed his shaft in the crevice of my buttocks. I was trapped here, held close and immobilized by the restraints. I had no ability to fight them and could do nothing but wait as my impatience rose, along with my lust.
My skin flushed. The basement felt unbearably hot and had grown smaller as the men sandwiched me between them.
“P-please.” I couldn’t believe the husky plea slid from my own throat, but there it was, hanging in the air between all of us, undeniable evidence of my complete submission.
“You want to come, don’t you?” Erik asked. The tip of his cock nudged my slit. He positioned it at the entrance to my body. All he’d have to do is rock forward, and he’d slide into me.
I nearly choked on my reply. “Yes. Yes, please. Yes.”
“But you won’t,” Cole reminded me. “Not without my permission.”
I wanted to tell him exactly what he could do with his precious permission, but I held back, suddenly afraid that my slightest misstep might cause them both to reconsider their actions. I didn’t want to test that theory. What I wanted—needed—was to feel them inside me, working me from both ends, filling my body in a way it had never been filled.
Cole added more of the warm lubricant to my back entrance. He smoothed it over my puckered flesh with his fingers, prodding my channel to ensure it was as wet as my cunt.
My arms began to cramp. I felt the slight ache in my wrists as I wiggled them, but the discomfort only added to my growing hunger.
Erik didn’t move. I desperately wanted him to plunge his cock into me, but instead he reached between my spread legs and gathered some of my moisture. He lifted his soaked fingers to my face and smeared some of my juices over my lower lip.
My lips parted in bewildered response. I trembled, uncertain what I was supposed to do next. Taste myself? Hesitantly, I slid the tip of my tongue over the wetness. The scent of my own arousal was intoxicating. The muskiness I had grown to associate with myself flooded my taste buds and made me groan.
Cole slid his cock in the crevice of my ass. He used his hands to hold my buttocks tightly together and then began to move slowly between them. The fullness of his cock teased my back entrance, sliding across it but not penetrating until I was mad with need.
I wanted nothing more than to scream and rail against them, to beg and plead and bargain with them to just fuck me already, but somehow I found the inner fortitude I didn’t know I had to keep my mouth shut.
They teased me slowly, methodically, for what felt like an eternity. Pleasure rose inside me, coiling in my abdomen like a spring. I trembled all over as they focused on drawing the most sensation from my pussy and ass. I writhed against their bodies, my ass needing to feel Cole’s cock inside me, my pussy begging for Erik’s shaft.
And then, when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, Erik said, “Now,” and they thrust into me at once.
The sensation was exquisite, nearly unbearable in its intensity. My body accepted them without protest, inner walls stretching and molding to their cocks. Waves of pure pleasure streamed from my ass and cunt. My clit throbbed and my nipples pressed against Erik’s chest. A sweet ache started in the newly pierced areas and traveled swiftly through my body, intensifying the urgency in my clit.
I didn’t notice the pain in my ass at first. It took a few blissful moments for my body to register that I wasn’t used to being taken there, and the twinge of sudden soreness took me by surprise. Cole stilled, letting me get accustomed to having him back there, but I wouldn’t have it.
I moved against him, thrusting as far as my bonds and the wood at my back would allow. Erik plunged into me with smooth, rhythmic strokes.
“Please… Cole…” I was on the brink of becoming incoherent. “Hard,” was all I could manage.
Thankfully, he understood. He withdrew almost entirely before slamming into my ass with a fury I hadn’t expected. The jolt seared my body, melded with the intoxicating arousal streaming from my cunt and traveled swiftly through me.
My release formed like a hot ball of molten lava in the pit of my stomach. I felt it in the quick throbbing of my clit, in the way my cunt clenched around Erik’s cock, in the grip of my ass muscles around my husband’s shaft.
Somehow I managed to hold on to a sliver of lucidity. Just enough to mumble, “May I?” a fraction of a moment before I would have dissolved altogether.
Part of me expected Cole to deny me this orgasm. I didn’t know what I would do if he did. Come anyway, probably, since at that very moment I felt as if I would spontaneously combust if I didn’t reach climax.
But my husband wasn’t that cruel.
“Yes, honey.”
His husky whisper sounded like a scream inside my head. My body shattered into a million pieces, dissolving against the onslaught of my orgasm. It rocked every inch of me, swept over every nerve ending, shook me from the inside out.
As I came, Cole pummeled me mercilessly with his thick cock, stretching my tight sphincter as he thrust wildly. Erik withdrew abruptly, ripped off his condom and stroked his cock twice. His hot seed splashed my abdomen and dripped into my navel.
The scent of his cum made me convulse in a series of rapid aftershocks. And still, Cole kept fucking me, surging forward, pounding into me as though marking me with each thrust. He wrapped his arms around me and grabbed my sore breasts.
His fingers found my nipples and squeezed.
My spine arched as agony and bliss detonated inside me. If I hadn’t already orgasmed as if my life had depended on it, I had no doubt I would have come just then.
Erik watched us silently, stroking his semi-hard cock. My gaze was glued to his hand, slick with some of his seed as he worked it across his reddened shaft.
A few more thrusts, and then Cole stilled abruptly inside me. His cock spasmed as jets of hot cum filled my back channel. I cried out, loving the way his seed filled my ass.
As he withdrew, I shuddered and bowed my head. My hair flowed around my shoulders like a curtain and I hung there, spent and dizzy with the intensity of it all, waiting for someone to untie my bonds.
A few minutes passed. When it finally registered that I continued to remain bound, I lifted my head. Erik and Cole stood side by side, watching me, their expressions unreada
ble. Their cocks weren’t hard, but neither were they entirely soft. Cole cupped his sac, stroked it softly. Erik slid his thumb across the tip of his cock, the touch gentle and rhythmic.
Apprehension snaked its way through me. My cunt and ass were sore. I felt used in every part of my being. A shudder racked my body, and with it, the swift return of soul-searing arousal.
Erik raised an eyebrow. “Again?”
Chapter Seven
By Friday night, the soreness was a memory. The act itself, however, had been imprinted across my senses. I vividly recalled being fucked, roughly and savagely, by my husband and his friend. I remembered it on my way to work, during meetings with my boss, at lunch with Donna. I had flashes and brief impressions of their hard, naked bodies slammed up against mine when I went grocery shopping or while I did laundry. I was intimately familiar with what it felt like to be stretched by two large cocks while suspended on a wooden angled cross, and I remembered that feeling while talking to my neighbor, transcribing technical meeting notes and cooking dinner.
I hadn’t been able to think about anything else for four endless days, but I hadn’t talked about any of this to anyone. Donna suspected something was up, and she prodded me about it at every opportunity, but so far I’d managed to stall her with claims of insomnia and migraines.
Cole was a different story altogether. He didn’t mention that night. He acted as if nothing even happened. We slept in the same bed, but didn’t touch. Ate breakfast at the same table, but barely talked. If the topic wasn’t the weather or the grocery list, it was, apparently, off limits.
Which made date night awkward and complicated. Since before we were married, Cole and I had gone out together every Friday night unless one of us was out of town. Date night was sacred. It gave us a chance to connect, talk about our week and regain some of the intimacy we lost as a professional couple leading busy lives.
That morning, we’d picked out a movie and decided on a restaurant before Cole left for work. Eleven hours later, I sat in the passenger’s seat inches away from my husband, where I was keenly aware of the fact that we hadn’t spoken at all beyond the brief hellos we’d exchanged when I climbed in.
We rarely turned on the radio, preferring to talk rather than listen to the same overplayed songs. Without music, though, the silence in the car was deafening.
Cole pulled up to a red stoplight a few blocks away from the restaurant where we had reservations at seven. Unable to take the awkwardness any longer, I shifted in my seat to stare at him. “If you’re angry with me, you should just say so.”
His eyebrows lifted in surprise. A corner of his mouth quirked up. “I was giving you space. You know, to process things.”
The tilt of my lip matched his. “You were letting me think about what I’d done?”
He chuckled, a faint blush creeping up his cheeks. Well, well. I guess I wasn’t the only one who’d been having vivid memories of that night.
“Something like that,” Cole said as the light turned green. “But if you’re ready to talk, I’m willing to listen.”
I bristled at that. “If you expect an apology, you’re going to be waiting a long time. You’re the one who brought Erik into our house. You decorated the basement like it’s adult Halloween.” A thought struck me, and I fisted my hands in my lace-trimmed skirt. “Was this a test? Were you hoping I’d turn down your little surprise?”
He looked even more startled this time, and he glanced at me from beneath his lashes before turning back to the road. “Why do you assume this is all about you?”
I opened my mouth to answer then closed it again. The idea that it wasn’t all about me had never crossed my mind. “What about the training? Teaching me to orgasm on command?” I snorted. The idea still sounded absurd.
His fingers tightened on the wheel. “I was the one being trained. Not you.”
The admission stole the air from my lungs. “Y-you?”
“I hired a Dom, Ginny. To train me how to be more like him. To show me how to dominate you, to pleasure you, to drive you out of your mind with lust.”
I turned that over in my head, trying to make sense of it. “But why?”
Cole sighed. “Because of Ben.”
I gaped at him, unable to form the questions flittering through my brain.
He glanced at me briefly and must have seen the astonishment written all over my face. “I know he’s with us, Ginny. I’ve always known. Even before our counseling sessions. Ben is in our bedroom every time I make love to you. There’s another man—” He clamped his mouth shut and gritted his teeth so hard I heard the enamel scrape. “I needed to do something to make you forget about him, just for a little while. To see if you could.”
“Oh God.” Sorrow washed over me, icy and sudden. “Ben is history. He’s not a part of this marriage.”
Cole turned abruptly into the restaurant parking lot, yanking the wheel so hard I had to brace myself as the car twisted to obey. “Isn’t he? I know what he said to you. How he made you feel. You told the counselor his voice haunted you. Does it still?”
I considered lying, but couldn’t. “Yes.”
“Don’t you see? Sex between us has always involved more than two people. So I added a third. Someone I could trust to take care of you. To make you feel special.”
Tears stung my eyes. I fisted my hands in my lap. For once, I had no snappy comeback. I had no words at all.
“You think it’s not killing me that I can’t do something as simple as pleasure my wife?” His voice turned soft, barely audible.
I gasped. “My inability to have an orgasm isn’t your failure. It’s mine.”
The parking lot was full on a Friday night, and Cole coasted through the lanes before finding an empty spot at the very end. He slid the car between a giant truck on one side and a Dumpster on the other.
As soon as he turned off the engine, he shifted to face me. “Bullshit. If I was better at—”
I unsnapped my seat belt and flung myself across the seat before he could finish his absurd sentence. Slamming my mouth against Cole’s, I swallowed the rest of his words.
His eyes widened with shock as I laced my fingers behind his neck, but he kissed me back fiercely. I tasted his emotions in that kiss—frustration, anger and so much love it twisted something inside me and awakened a surge of desire deeper than anything I’d felt when looking at Erik.
I held him tighter as our tongues entwined. The taste of him flooded my mouth, made me want more. I tossed one leg over the gear stick and slid across to straddle his lap in the driver’s seat. He fumbled for the lever that would slide the chair on its rails, found it and shoved the seat back to give me more room. My back still pressed against the steering wheel, but I didn’t care. The discomfort was a small price to pay, and as before, I liked it. I reached down for the second lever and lowered the back of the seat as far as it would go until Cole lay nearly supine.
He cupped my ass and held me against his groin. His cock was at full attention, pressing against the fabric of his jeans. I slammed myself down on it and ground my cunt into the line of his shaft. The cotton of my panties moistened as cream seeped from my pussy. I rocked my body so my clit rubbed against his erection.
My fingers worked the buttons of his shirt, needing to feel his bare skin. I pushed the fabric over his shoulders and severed the kiss, then pulled back, panting. I ran my palms down his muscular chest, taking in the smooth skin, the dark nipples, the coarse hair.
“You’re perfect,” I murmured. “You’ve always been perfect. Why do you think I married you?” I tried for a chuckle to lighten the mood but found only a lump in my throat instead.
I could tell he didn’t believe me. His squint drew my attention to the faint wrinkles at the corners and the lines at his temples. He’d changed since I’d met him. Grown older but no wiser, if he thought he had failed me somehow.
“Let me prove it to you.” I slid my hand between us and rubbed the hard ridge of his erection.
“Ginny…” He held my gaze, my name slipping from his lips on a moan. “Here? You’re sure?”
I knew what he asked, and why he was asking. In all the time he’d known me, I’d never suggested having sex in the car or in the living room or anywhere but in the bedroom in the missionary position. Now here I was, shielded from view by Cole’s selection of a secluded parking spot, but certainly not completely hidden. The owner of the truck to our left could return at any moment. A restaurant employee could wander out to pitch a garbage bag in the Dumpster. I didn’t care.
Let them come.
I smiled at the unintentional pun and lowered myself to graze my lips across my husband’s. “I want you,” I murmured. “We’re too far from a bed for my liking, and I have no desire to wait.”
He grinned and buried his hands in my hair. “We’ve created a monster.”
A pang of emotion stirred in my chest, and I fought to push it down. The truth was, neither he nor Erik had created this side of me. They had only awakened it.
A flitter of panic quivered in my chest. I didn’t want to think about any part of my past. All I wanted at this very moment was to make love to my husband. Easy, uncomplicated, sweet love.
Cole reached beneath my skirt and ran the tips of his fingers over the material of my panties, right along my slit and up to my clit. I shuddered and palmed his cock. My fingers worked at his zipper until I had it undone. I slid my fingertips through the gap in his boxers and pulled out his shaft, which was hard and ready for me.
He slid my panties aside and teased me with a brief caress of skin against skin. First with his finger, then with the tip of his cock. I glanced down, wishing I could see the bulbous head disappear between my folds, but my voluminous skirt covered us both.
I shifted so his cock was at the entrance to my pussy then cupped his face in my hands. I wanted him to look at me as I lowered myself onto him. I wanted to see all the tenderness in his eyes as I claimed him as mine.
His cock stretched my passage, but my natural lubrication made it easy for my cunt to welcome him inside. I moaned as I took him slowly, inch by careful inch. His eyes widened, and the hunger glistening there melded with the love I’d come to know so well.